

AuthenticaCheck has come up with an alternate and quick approach to process address checks digitally. With the pandemic and lock down restrictions making physical site visits challenging, Digital address verification process has helped to verify the candidate’s address checks much faster during this period. AuthenticaCheck digital verification tool works on algorithms based on Geocodes & GPS coordinates and using this tool, we only need a few minutes to verify the address of an individual at the desired location in India and other countries.

Created Link (Step 1)

The Candidate cliks on the unique link received via SMS or Email. Candidate receives OTP & Submits it.

Form Filling (Step 2)

Candidate fills up the online form.Uploads filled form, selfie picture, click select the photo with the address or any ID proof and house entrance photo.


Captured Geotagging & QC (Step 3)

The GEO location details are compared with provided address and the submitted details are cross-checked with the BGV source details per Quality process.

Report Generation (Step 4)

The Final report content is checked for adherence to client requirements, followed by Quality check and Published with verified results.


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